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The trailer of the movie the light of the lighthouse.

The main character is a politician in Japan.
He is a fighter, former banker, YouTuber, and revolutionary too. He keeps on giving his speech on the road every day.
But he isn't famous and he hasn't still won the election.
Changing the world is his political purpose.
He will get people's attention someday.

I was the world's first professional MMA fighter in the flyweight division. I was ranked #2 in the World MMA Ranking.
But I am also a creator. I have written 26 books and created many works.
And I have many opportunities to meet so many interesting people. In the process, I interviewed them and started making videos of the interviews myself.
While doing so, I realized that the way to express their minds, emotions, and hearts is through film.
And so I began a new career as a filmmaker.

What I want to express in the movie is despair, courage, and hope. The reason why I think so is that I think hope is created by despair. I believe that hope and despair are in direct proportion.
And I think there is courage between them.
I think the audience wants to see courage. Maybe it's because I was a fighter.
I made this film because I wanted to depict courage, despair, and hope.

Tsuneki Onishi
Supporters of Tsuneki Onishi
Kenji Ogusu
Tsuneki Onishi
Toru Kamuki
Marie Akiyama
Kenji Ogusu
Masakatsu Kawakita
Takamasa Iwasaki
Director and Editor